Tuesday, September 11, 2007

20 Week Ultrasound

Everything is fine. All test came back normal and Dr. told me that he wouldn't allow me to even think about having baby. He was ready to schedule cection that day. I guess he thinks I'm a little crazy. Can't imagine why! We showed Adalyn the video and she said "I don't want it". I asked her again yesterday and she said I could give it to Gina. I'll ask Gina if she wants it, especially at three in the morning.

Feliz Cumpleanos

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Feliz Cumpleanos

Sorry so late posting. Adalyn's Birthday was a huge success. I had typical stay at home mom's birthday party. You know... about 30 tissue papers throughout the house, a dozen in the yard, enough food to feed all of canebrake neatly displayed on color coordinated fabric, life size
Dora map and so much more. Nothing like having a crazy stay at home mom party for your kids. But I couldn't have done it without my support team. Many Thanks. Maybe by next year they'll forget how crazy it was and sign up again to help... Hmmm.... I'm think life size ice castles...Just a thought. But look at Adalyn's face and tell me it wasn't worth it.