Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can you say abstract?

Adalyn was given an art easel for her birthday along with a huge pack of finger paint. One might who is the culprit that gave my child this present but I can only blame myself. I figure life is too short to worry about messes. Well I think that a little bit. Who else would let their child finger paint in the den next to an oriental rug. Maybe a stupid mom. Anyways she had a blast finger painting (until she dropped paint on the rug..whole other story). She is very serious about her artwork. She refuses to color in the lines because that's boring. This is a picture of a boat with a sail that went way in the air. She said it was very scary. As of now she is a budding abstract artist.
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Adalyn

Adalyn is officially three. She had a small gathering at Chucky Cheese this year. I just didn't have it in me this year to have a big party. No excuses, just wasn't up to it. I've been sick so it was a good thing. She had a few of her closest friends over for pizza and games. She had a blast. At the end of the evening she ended up on stage dancing with Chucky. I guess it is in her genes. She even pulled up a friend to shake it on stage with her. Pictures will follow. Overall it was a success and I don't think she noticed that it wasn't a huge production put on by Mommy. But I did tell her we will do something big next year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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Growing up!

Could he be any cuter!
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Dare Deviels Required in this Family

So I walk outside to see this on the swingset. Yes this is my six month old baby swinging into the sky with his dad and sister. Lord help him.
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!st Day of School

It was a success! No tears or drama. She loves her teacher and is learning how to write her name. Well kinda. We've had the spelling down for awhile but fine motor skills still need work. Way to go Adalyn. I am so glad you love school. Burke and I miss you tons, though.
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Grocery Store Attire

Jeff was shocked that I really let her go to make groceries dressed like Alice. I figured lets pick our battles.
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My prince finally found me and is here to save me from my parents!
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I hope this thing doesn't think I am lunch!
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just when I thought I knew my daughter she went and did something so out of character I did not know how to react. So we went to her "new" preschool on Friday to meet her new teacher. She has always been excited about school and loves it, or so I thought. Friday did not go well. The whole time she was in my lap with her head buried into my shoulder. We all know this is not Adalyn. She is usually outgoing and loves kids her age. I am going to assume it was because it was so overwhelming with so many people. Or maybe because one of her best friends was not in her class. We were told he would be. Who knows but she almost had me in tears because her anxiety.
So Monday I will put on my happy face and drop her off in carpool line. Why not go in and drag this out? Because that would just be to calm my fears and make me feel better. We all know it is better to keep the goodbye short and with as little anxiety as possible. Would I love to keep her home with me? Sure. She could continue to entertain Burke and I for hours. However, that is not what is best for her. It is my job to give her the confidence that she CAN go somewhere without me and feel confident. What better gift could I give her. Self-esteem.
So Adalyn you will go to school on Monday and I know you will love it. It may just take some time to get used to the new surroundings. I know they will all love you.

On a more humourous note. This was overhead when Adalyn ran into her little friend.

Friend: "You still going to marry me."

Adalyn: "No"

Friend: "Ahhh man"
These kids will be married if I have anything to do with it. Forget love. Think about great inlaws.
Great people that your mom wouldn't mind spending the holidays with. Isn't that important?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Please read the ingredients in your saline nose drops. Yeah, the reason Burke wasn't sleeping too well was because the saline drops I gave my husband to pour in his nose had the small ingredient phenylephrine. We are lucky he didn't have a heart attack or whatever that drug causes that you aren't suppose to give to children under the age of six. Oops. Luckily we can gasp and now understand why his arms where hitting Jeff all night like a deranged boxer. Probably due to nose drops. So sorry Burke. If you have some bodily damage when you are older you can add it to the long list I am sure you already are making of all the things I have done to mess up your life!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer is Almost Over

Adalyn's teacher called me on Saturday to inform me of open house on Friday. I actually got sad that summer is over. It has flown by. We have had so much fun bonding as a family with our new addition. I don't know what Burke is going to do without Adalyn to entertain him. I don't know what I am going to do without Adalyn to entertain me. I am sure Burke and I will be bored stiff and walk around aimlessly without Adalyn directing our days.
Adalyn is excited beyond belief and so ready to go back to school. Even though I have kept her extremely busy this summer she is ready to see her friends. Hopefully she will make some great friends at her new school.

Get Well Soon

Poor baby Burke has been sick the last three days. He has been in and out of our bed. Sleeping and not sleeping. Still smiling and no change in disposition. This boy never gets grouchy or complains. Not a typical man. Adalyn on the other hand has been walking around saying she is sick and we have put a band aid on every visible scratch. So please send us your karma for him getting well. I need sleep. Jeff needs sleep. We would be better parents if we could have a full night without him snuggling under us in the bed. Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling but I don't sleep well worrying that Jeff is going to smash my baby.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vegetable Shot

Adalyn and Jeff have been having enormous power struggles at the dinner table. He wants her eating her veggies and she has decided that she will not. And as all of yall know when Adalyn takes on a cause there is no changing her mind. The other night I had enough of hearing them arguing with each other over eating the veggies. She likes them but refuses to eat them just to prove her point. She is so stubborn, she will go to bed hungry just to prove she has some control.
Not thinking, I blurted out, "Adalyn if you don't eat your veggies Dr. Burks will have to give you a veggie shot." She stopped screaming and started eating. Oops. Didn't mean to lie. So Jeff wanted to know what am I going to do if she ends having to get a shot at her check-up. That's easy...she didn't eat enough veggies. I know..terrible for lying but sometimes a little bit of manipulation is ok, right? Especially to preserve the peace. Sorry baby.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Late 1/2 Birthday

Adalyn and I decided to throw Burke a half birthday party. We even thought we would make him half of cake. As it turned out, with my cooking it was a half cake with no effort. I had the bright idea that I could bake the cake in the toaster oven so we didn't have to wait for the big oven to preheat. Brilliant I know. Learn from me, not a good idea. Jeff had to cut the top half off because the middle wouldn't cook. So after the top half was cut off, we had the bottom half cooked, well not to perfection. But the plan was to celebrate the 1/2 birthday. It was then covered in white icing despite his sisters pleas to have pink. Happy Birthday Burke. We are so happy you are here.

It is hard to believe my little man is half a year old. He is learning new things everyday.

Some things he is doing:

His whole body lights up when I walk in the room.

He still smiles with his whole body.

He now talks all day long. Not sure what he is talking about but he is talking ALL day long.

Reaches out for you to pick him up.

Constantly moving, wants to type on computer and loves remotes.

Scoots all over the floor. He even got on all fours, which was a first.

He loves to be hummed to before bedtime.

Loves books anytime of day.

Still adores his sister like no one else.

When I pick him up he immediately snuggles his head into the crook of my neck.

Belly laughs when I try to rock him to sleep. This always works. His is learning from the master manipulator.