Monday, June 30, 2008

The Sweet things they say

Adalyn and I were gossiping on the couch yesterday about princesses. She decided that Belle was definitely the prettiest. Then she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said you are pretty too mommy.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cell Phones

There are some clear signs that a mother spends to much time on a cell phone. The first one could be when your 4 month old child already knows how to model talking on a play cell phone. I am not making this up. The other night Burke was sitting in his plaything and it has a cell phone on it. Jeff noticed that he was reaching for the phone saying Hello, hello, hello. So maybe it wasn't the clearest hello ever but I swear the child was saying hello on the phone. Genius child or a sign that we all have already concluded, he really likes to talk.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Crying it Out

Monday I decided was the perfect day to get Burke on a schedule. Yeah, great idea with Mommy and Me, Ballet Camp, and Swim Lessons. So where does the schedule fit into this craziness? Me and my great ideas.
So for his afternoon nap I decided that he will be placed in his bed and go to sleep. He's only suppose to cry a little while, right. I really needed the peace. The books say they will give in and sleep. If nothing else from exhaustion. Well for some reason my little happy baby that never cries, cried. Not the whimper, I'm sad crying. But the BITCH GET ME OUT OF THIS BED OR I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR HEAD OFF SCREAMING. Surely with this much ferocity he can last that long. Wrong. It went on for over a hour. I caved. I couldn't stand the emotional damage I was causing on his little developing brain.
Tuesday...Geared myself up again. One hour and 43 minutes later I caved.
Most of the time, Burke is the sweetest baby in the world. He hardly ever complains.
But he can be one strong willed person. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Wish us luck. Who will win? Bets are on.

Crazy Summer

So I thought by not hiring a sitter and not putting my kids in mothers day out, we would have a calm, relaxing summer at home. So far we have been on two vacations and barely have time to breathe. Adalyn's been taking swimming lessons and ballet camp this week. Why they are the same week, who knows? I feel like things are crazier than ever.
Next week I have a doc appt, Ja commitment, and my dad is having his eyes done. Will it ever slow down so we can linger in our PJs all day? That is my wish for today.

My Best Friend

Where did we fly? Cincinnati to see my best friend in the whole wide world. I am so lucky to have had the same best friend my whole life. There is nothing like being around someone who knows you probably better than you know yourself. We did some reminiscing of the crazy things we did in college. Things that will not be shared on my children's blog. Don't want to give them any ideas. Although, I am sure they will have plenty ideas of their own that I don't want to know about.
We have decided to force a friendship between our children. I think it will be more forced for her older daughter. Adalyn fell in love with her. She practically stalked her the whole time we were visiting. She was very patient with Adalyn and shared her toys.
It was such a great visit. I wish they didn't live so far away and we could do it more often. I vote for somewhere tropcial next year.


Adalyn and Burke had their first plane ride last weekend. It went fabulous. I couldn't have asked them to do any better. At one time the plane tilted it wings and Adalyn's eyes almost popped out of her head. She said she didn't want to do a flip. I told her it would be fun. She said ok, but just one flip. Too bad the plane never did flip. Burke slept for most of the flight with little complaint. I have now decided this is the way to travel with my children. Too bad airline tickets just went up so much.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As I was unloading the dishwasher tonight the following conversation took place.

A: I have got to get a haircut.
M: No, You just got a haircut. You don't need another one.
A: Yes, I NEED to get my bangs trimmed. They are getting in the way.

What? My daughter doesn't even have bangs to get in the way. I'll give it to her for trying to come with me tonight. Good thinking but didn't work! But I am now a blonde. Not sure if I'll be one tomorrow but who knows if I'll have time to get it fixed before my trip.

Monday, June 9, 2008

New Look

Check out my new look. Thanks to my wonderful friend Mandi. I can't figure how to do crap on this blog but post. Isn't she the best!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Look a like meter

The first time I tried this I accidently uploaded a pic of one of Jeff's friends. It said Adalyn only looked 4% more like me than him. So what I am saying take it with a grain of salt. Jeff and I had a good laugh.

Wilson Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Lineage - Free family tree charts

Wilson Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free family tree software - Genealogy sites

Saturday, June 7, 2008


This stuff taste like crap. Do I really ahve to eat it?
Posted by Picasa
Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 6, 2008


Yesterday we fnally took Burke to have some pics made. They turned out great. Now I just have to decide which ones to order. If anyone wants to take a look click on the link below. My username is kwilson and then it ask for my email.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well my baby started solids yesterday. Oh, how I hate he is growing up so fast. I really wasn't ready for this but he has been begging for food. So we'll see how he does with them. He ate half a jar of applesauce and screamed for more.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


My little man is getting so big and it's hard to believe he is already 4 months old. He has his own little personality and is so fun to be around. He loves to watch TV. I am going to have to limit his TV time. Tonight we were watching the news and he would cry every time Jeff would move him where he couldn't see. He loves his toys and will play and talk to them. I love how he smiles with his whole body. He can't just smirk, when he smiles his whole body moves around. It is the cutest thing ever.


Tonight when we were doing the dinner dishes I innocently asked Adalyn what she wanted to be when she grows. This is something I do often. She usually has a cute answer like Cinderella. Well tonight she melted my heart. She stopped what she was doing and gave me a huge smile and said "I want to be like Mommy when I grow up".
Jeff and I both froze. She can be the sweetest thing in the world. Jeff said how can you get mad at her! Don't worry I am sure her head will be spinning soon but I am enjoying the sweet phase.