Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As I was unloading the dishwasher tonight the following conversation took place.

A: I have got to get a haircut.
M: No, You just got a haircut. You don't need another one.
A: Yes, I NEED to get my bangs trimmed. They are getting in the way.

What? My daughter doesn't even have bangs to get in the way. I'll give it to her for trying to come with me tonight. Good thinking but didn't work! But I am now a blonde. Not sure if I'll be one tomorrow but who knows if I'll have time to get it fixed before my trip.

1 comment:

A Day in the Life of Cait & Kyle said...

wow, is she a hoot or what???
How did your hair come out? Post a pic of your new do for us :)