Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Ok I've read just about every parent book out there but the last two nights I've thrown their wisdom to the wind. Since Adalyn had stridor she has been getting in bed with us every night about two in the morning. I had it. I need sleep and her brother who is a full size monkey in my belly needed sleep so.... Bribery stepped in. Night before last I offered to take her to the zoo if she slept all night in her bed. She said, "Can I ride the train Mommy." Of course just sleep ALL night. AMAZINGLY she sleep till 7:00 without a peep. So last night I tried again. I told her she could go eat breakfast at MeMaws if she sleep all night. This morning she sleep till 8:30 and luckily my mom agreed to cook her breakfast. So any suggestions on what the bargain should be tonight? It takes three times to make a habit. That's what I'm hoping for anyways. I know, sometimes desperation lets good parenting fly out the window!

1 comment:

mandi said...

what did you come up with??? Love the bribery, now that i have two at home (and it is a lot tougher) I am all for what works!!!!

Oh and Meredith tried to nurse tonight!