Friday, March 7, 2008


Burke is sleeping through the night, well close anyways. Life could not get much better. I almost hate to post it in fear of jinxing this wonderful thing. The last three nights he has sleep till at least five. Yesterday he slept till six. That's going from ten at night. 7 whole hours without having a kid on me!!! I almost feel human. There is a special secret that makes this work. Jeff has to give him a bottle. Hey whatever works. I'll pump the next year at ten if he'll sleep. And one other minor thing. He is sleeping in his carseat. I know, I would have never allowed Adalyn to do this but desperate parents do desperate things. His reflux is so bad that he sleeps better sitting up. The ped said it was ok, so until it gets better he can stay there.

1 comment:

mandi said...

color me jealous! we have a cold so noah was up 4 times last night, yes 4!!!!!!!!!